Category Archives: Company news

PSRIG resilient despite severe warehouse fire

We at PSRIG, a leading stage mechanical and rigging supply company, are today announcing that [...]

Upcoming Expos & Events

Come interact with us. Heres updated information regarding our upcoming expos and events.

Do you have the right experience? Come join our team!

Read about how it can be working for PSRIG and see our active listings.

Recruitment of Calle Marlow

We are happy to announce the recruitment of experienced project manager Calle Marlow.

Product News: Rigging Hoists from CHAINMASTER

We are proud to welcome another supplier in the form of the well-renowned german rigging [...]

Behind the scenes at PSRIG Norrköping

We had time for a little photo session at PSRIG Norrköping this Friday afternoon. So [...]

Save the Children Sweden 2022

We are happy to share that we are a friend company of Save the Children [...]

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Regarding COVID-19

UPDATE On April 1st 2022 the Swedish government announced "COVID-19 is no longer classified as [...]

#CreativeIndustriesSweden held an Open House

This weekend we, the industry collective #CreativeIndustriesSweden, welcomed all our friends and family to an [...]

Priebe Scenteknik AB and Scan-Rig AB announce formal merger

As of January 1st 2019, Priebe Scenteknik AB and Scan-Rig AB will merge their respective [...]