Finally, it’s Friday again! Time for some more project news.
PSRIG is proud to announce that we have been entrusted with delivering and installing the all-new lifting solution for the event venue Åhaga in Borås.
A little history
Åhaga was originally a locomotive service facility built by the railroad at the beginning of the 20th century (in 1903). The facility was sadly abandoned after shutting down in 1965.

But in 1998, three gentlemen named Lennart Rosengren, Åke Björsell, and Bengt Swegmark visited the dilapidated location. Instead of being taken aback by the poor state of repairs, they got hooked on the charm and acoustics of the facility. The idea of turning the old locomotive workshop into a house for culture, meetings, and experiences took root. After a few years of intensive restoration, the new venue was inaugurated on June 13, 2002.
Since then, almost a million people have visited Åhaga and experienced concerts, shows, conferences, fairs, and other high-level events. Today Åhaga is a well-known and popular event facility that maintains a high standard regarding the booking of high-profile artists as well as hosting big and well-received shows.

PSRIG’s part
Now PSRIG will try to make the venue even more appealing as we help upgrade the stage technology with a brand-new and flexible lifting solution.
The new system will consist of 12 GIS LP500 D8+ chain hoists mounted on beam trolleys, enabling easy movement longitudinally (depth-wise) above the stage. The hoists, grouped 2 and 2, will be equipped with load sensors, lift truss ladders from TAF, and be controlled by our newly updated FlexControl system (version 1.2, teased here beside).
Delivery and installation are scheduled for the end of January 2023
Project manager: Kim Ekblad, +46 72-552 18 19
(picture credit: Åhaga, Borås kommun, Marre Bachman, PSRIG)

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