We are hard at work on another one of our “mystery studio” projects. The project is well underway and will be completed soon. In accordance with our non-disclosure agreement, we are prohibited from mentioning details about the location and client. We can, however, speak about what we are working on.
PSRIG’s part
For this project, we are supplying and installing complete over-stage machinery in two studios with a total of 32 chain hoists from GIS, black trusses from TAF, black cable ladders, our PSRIG branded load monitoring, and a customized wireless control system.
The basis of the control system is our proprietary FlexControl-WL, which has been further developed in the latest 2.0 version. The challenge this time was the many hoists that each should be able to operate both individually and in predefined groups. Meanwhile, the load monitoring has to manage point loads, group loads, and total loads. We started sketching on a software design with two authorization levels, both protected with PIN codes. When logged in as an OPERATOR, you can only run the preprogrammed groups. The OPERATOR mode also has some channels locked as their height position is vital for events. By logging in as ADMIN, you get full access to run individual channels as well as the channels that are locked in the OPERATOR mode.
The next challenge was to achieve an intuitive overview for the remote that makes everything clear and simple to operate. The solution was text descriptions, logical groupings, and colored-coded rocker switches. Naturally, the colors chosen were PSRIG colors (white, red, and black) as well as the national colors of Sweden (blue and yellow).
Our esteemed wireless control partner, TeleRadio, was very accommodating, giving us great feedback and delivering a solution that exceeded our expectations.

The control systems are currently undergoing operational tests in our workshop and will be delivered to the project site during next week. Below, you’ll find an embedded short video from the workshop.
Project manager: Kim Ekblad, +46 72-552 18 19
(picture credit: PSRIG)